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Dear Sirs, 

On behalf of the organisers of the "Legal Heritage Lab" team at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, I would like to invite you to take part in the next Scholarly Meeting. 

The seventh Scholarly Meeting of this academic year will take place on Monday 12 June, 2023 at 5 pm. At this meeting, dr Anna Klimaszewska (Chair of the History of Law at the University of Gdansk) will deliver a paper entitled:

'Framework analysis in the research of law'. 

The meeting will be held in a hybrid format – in Krakow at 9 Gołębia Street in Room 123, and on the MS TEAMS video conferencing platform.

We encourage you to register in the Newsletter which will allow us to send you the link

I would be very grateful if you would be so kind as to inform your colleagues about the planned event. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Best regards,
Dr. Hab. Jan Halberda



Ladies and Gentlemen.

We would like to invite you to participate in the 17th International Conference, which will take place in a hybrid form on 25th-27th of May (Thursday - Saturday). Participation will be possible both in an online form via MS Teams (25th and 26th of May, Thursday and Friday) and stationary form in Cracow (27th of May, Saturday).We recommend online form especially for those, who will not be able to arrive in Cracow in person.

The event - held by the Jagiellonian University's Student Society for State and Legal History, Chair of Polish Legal and State History, Chair of World Legal and State History at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University and the Jagiellonian University's Student Society for Civil Procedure- is aimed at researchers in fields of law and history - in particular at graduate students, PhD students and PhD graduates.

It is extremely difficult to overestimate the role of civil law and its meaning for the nations and for individuals. The multitude of its functions and tasks, which have been transforming throughout history, have been the subject of numerous scientific studies until present day. In 2023, we celebrate the anniversaries of the legislative enactment of several important legal acts concerning both substantive and procedural civil law. 90 years ago the Polish Obligation Code and Presidential Act on Limited Liability Company were issued (1933). 125 years ago the Japanese Civil Code and French Act on Employer Responsibility in case of Workplace Accident went into effect (1898), 240 years ago there was Austrian Ehepatent also known as Marital Patent of Joseph II (1783), 155 years ago there was Austrian Marriage Act for Galicia Notzivilehe (1868) . In 2023 we also commemorate 205 years of Hypothec Law of Kingdom of Poland (1818). Furthermore, 340 years ago the Danish Code of Christian V – Danske Lov (1683) was introduced.

For more information, please contact us by email: or via the Historia Państwa i Prawa TBSP UJ page on Facebook

For more information, please click on the following link


Dear Sirs, 

On behalf of the organisers of the "Legal Heritage Lab" team at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, I would like to invite you to take part in the next Scholarly Meeting. 

The sixth Scholarly Meeting of this academic year will take place on Monday 24 April, 2023 at 5 pm. At this meeting, prof. UJ Maciej Mikuła (Chair of Ecclesiastical Law and Law on Religious Denominations) will deliver a paper titled: 
"Wills of professors of the University of Cracow from the 16th and 17th centuries"

The meeting will be held in a hybrid format – in Krakow at 9 Gołębia Street in Room 126, and on the MS TEAMS video conferencing platform.

We encourage you to register in the Newsletter which will allow us to send you the link

I would be very grateful if you would be so kind as to inform your colleagues about the planned event. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Best regards,
Dr. Hab. Jan Halberda


On the 16th of March 2023, the opening meeting of the project “Hector. Heritage, Culture, Norms” was held at the Jagiellonian University via the MS TEAMS platform. 

The purpose of the “Hector” Project is to provide a proper venue for academic discussion on a wide range of topics in legal heritage: from transforming fundamental / universal values into norms, through the consolidation of the latter ones into artifacts, to their presence in the present, as well as their role in the future. The main themes of the Platform will be to find answers to queries such as the following: how legal and social norms existed in the past, how these were applied and passed on in past cultures and societies, how values were transformed into norms, and how such norms have been – or might be – turned into heritage relevant for today. Another critical issue will be the question how heritage as such could or should be protected by the present norms. The core area of the “Hector” Project’s interest is Central and Eastern Europe, and its legal heritage (understood both as an immanent and emergent phenomenon), both seen, however, against a broad historical and cultural background. 

The meeting was attended by the Project Coordinators and Collaborators – nearly 30 academics in all. The opening speech was given by Prof. Dorota Malec, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at the Jagiellonian University, who warmly welcomed all participants. Prof. Malec emphasised the multifaceted activities undertaken at the Jagiellonian University under the framework of the Initiative of Excellence - Research University programme. Among these there are research priorities focused on a special role that is attached to a broad concept of heritage, which integrates the past, present, and future. Prof. Malec highlighted the importance of implementing academic projects in the interdisciplinary, international, innovative, and integrity aspects (“the 4I principle”). 

The Head of the Coordination Board, Prof. Jan Halberda, then presented the general aims and goals of the Project, described the planned events, and presented the project's English-language website ( In the framework of the Hector Project, two workshops, five seminars, and a series of open lectures will be organised.  In the subsequent part of the meeting, each of the Coordinators invited the participants to the event they will organise (the list of which is available at:

The Project is funded by the Priority Research Area Heritage under the program Excellence Initiative – Research University at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. 



Dear Sirs, 

On behalf of the organisers of the "Legal Heritage Lab" team at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, I would like to invite you to take part in the next Scholarly Meeting. 

The fifth Scholarly Meeting of this academic year will take place on Monday 13 March, 2023 at 5 pm. At this meeting, Rev. Prof. Franciszek Longchamps de Berier (Chair of the Roman Law, Jagiellonian University) will deliver a paper titled: 
"Nicolaus Copernicus - in-house counsel of the Duchy of Warmia."

The meeting will be held in a hybrid format – in Krakow at 9 Gołębia Street in Room 123, and on the MS TEAMS video conferencing platform.

We encourage you to register in the Newsletter which will allow us to send you the link

I would be very grateful if you would be so kind as to inform your colleagues about the planned event. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Best regards,
Dr. Hab. Jan Halberda


Dear Sirs, 

On behalf of the organisers of the "Legal Heritage Lab" team at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, I would like to invite you to take part in the next Scholarly Meeting. 

The fourth Scholarly Meeting of this academic year will take place on Monday 9 January, 2023 at 5 pm. At this meeting, doctoral candidate Paweł Kaźmierski (Doctoral School in the Social Sciences, Jagiellonian University) will deliver a paper titled: 
“Anti-religiousness in the first instance? Religious aspects in the divorce jurisprudence of the German Democratic Republic and the People's Republic of Poland in a comparative perspective." 

The meeting will be held in a hybrid format – in Krakow at 9 Gołębia Street in Room 126, and on the MS TEAMS video conferencing platform.

We encourage you to register in the Newsletter which will allow us to send you the link

I would be very grateful if you would be so kind as to inform your colleagues about the planned event. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Best regards,
Dr. Hab. Maciej Mikuła


Dear Sirs,

On behalf of the organisers of the "Legal Heritage Lab", at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, and on behalf of the Chair of the General History of State and Law of the Jagiellonian University, I would like to invite you to take part in the next instalment of our ongoing series of Scholarly Meetings at which we will have the pleasure this time to host Prof. James Gordley of Tulane Law School

During his visit to Krakow, Prof. Gordley will deliver two papers:
“The Betrayal of the French Civil Code: A Tragedy in Three Acts” - on Tuesday (13 December) at 1.15 p.m. in the Przewiązka room (St. Anne's 6 / 9 Golębia St.), 
“Civil Code and Common Law in Louisiana: A Mésalliance” - on Wednesday (14 December) at 11.30 a.m. in Room 123 (formerly Room '13') (9 Golębia St.).

I would be very grateful if you would be so kind as to inform your colleagues of the planned event.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Best regards,
Dr. Hab. Jan Halberda


Dear Sirs,

On behalf of the organisers, I would like to invite you to take part in the next Scholarly Meeting.

On Monday 05 December 2022 at 5 pm, Dr. Anna Karabowicz (University of Seville) will present a paper titled:
“Stefan Batory: a man of law and action”.

The meeting will be held in an online format on the MS TEAMS video conferencing platform.

We encourage you to register in the Newsletter, which will allow us to send you the link.

I would be very grateful if you would be so kind as to inform your colleagues about the planned event.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Dr. Hab. Maciej Mikuła


Dear Sirs,

On behalf of the organisers of the "Legal Heritage and Diversity of Legal Cultures" team working at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, I would like to invite you to take part in the next Scholarly Meeting.

The second Scholarly Meeting of this academic year will take place on Monday 21 November 2022 at 5 pm.  At this meeting, Dr. Grzegorz Blicharz (Chair of Roman Law at the Jagiellonian University) will deliver a paper titled:
"Sharing property value – locatio conductio as a sharing economy paradigm".

The meeting will be held in an online format on the MS TEAMS video conferencing platform.

Previous distinctions of specific types of contracts for using other people's goods and services are being blurred in the context of multiple forms of sharing of property value and the rise of mixed contracts. The study of diachronic examples of locatio conductio with its general application to goods and services and the peculiar regulation of operae libertorum in Roman law, together with a synchronic analysis of contemporary developments, serves two purposes. Firstly, it confirms the anthropological constants in both the legal and economic worlds. Secondly, it provides an apolitical and non-commercial example of a functionally similar social phenomenon that can be analysed from the point of view of regulatory policy, social and economic risks, and values that need to be protected. While it is more difficult to assess the economic efficiency of ancient solutions, Roman law can always serve as an arsenal of legal ideas, axiology, and dogmatic constructs.

I would be very grateful if you would be so kind as to inform your colleagues about the planned event.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 

Best regards,
Dr. Hab. Jan Halberda

We are pleased to invite you to the first meeting of the series “Legal Heritage – Scholarly Meetings" in the academic year 2022/2023.

Dear Sirs,

On behalf of the organisers of the "Legal Heritage and Diversity of Legal Cultures" team at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, I would like to invite you to take part in the next Scholarly Meeting.

During these regular meetings, which are held online, a paper is presented, followed by discussion. The presentations explore a variety of topics in the field of legal heritage regarded in a broad perspective.

The first Scholarly Meeting of this academic year will take place on Monday, 24 October 2022 at 5 pm, At this meeting, Dr. Piotr Michalik (Chair of the General History of State and Law, Jagiellonian University) will deliver a paper titled:

"Inheritance law of the Free City of Krakow in the years 1815-1833 - an attempt at synthesis".

The meeting will be held in a hybrid format – in Krakow at 9 Gołębia Street in Room 123, and on the MS TEAMS video conferencing platform.

I would be very grateful if you would be so kind as to inform your colleagues about the planned event.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Dr. Hab. Jan Halberda

Zapraszamy na pierwsze spotkanie z cyklu "Dziedzictwo prawne. Spotkania naukowe" w roku akademickim 2022/2023.

Szanowni Państwo,

W imieniu organizatorów działającego na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego zespołu „Dziedzictwo prawne iróżnorodność kultur prawnych”, serdecznie zapraszam do wzięcia udziału w kolejnym spotkaniu naukowym.

Podczas cyklicznych spotkań, obywających się online, prezentowany jest referat, po którym następuje dyskusja. Wystąpienia dotykają różnorodnych zagadnień związanych z szeroko rozumianym dziedzictwem prawnym.

W poniedziałek 24 października 2022 r. o godz. 17 odbędzie się pierwsze w tym roku akademickim spotkanie naukowe. Tym razem dr Piotr Michalik (Katedra Powszechnej Historii Państwa i Prawa UJ) wygłosi referat pt.

„Prawo spadkowe Wolnego Miasta Krakowa w latach 1815-1833 - próba syntezy”

Spotkanie odbędzie się w formule hybrydowej – w Krakowie przy ul. Gołębiej 9 w Sali 123 oraz na platformie MS TEAMS.

Będę bardzo zobowiązany za poinformowanie osób współpracujących z Państwem o planowanym wydarzeniu.

Chętnie odpowiem na Państwa pytania. Pozostaję z poważaniem,
dr hab. Jan Halberda

Zapraszamy na pierwsze spotkanie z cyklu "Dziedzictwo prawne. Spotkania naukowe" w roku akademickim 2022/2023.

Szanowni Państwo,

W imieniu organizatorów działającego na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego zespołu „Dziedzictwo prawne iróżnorodność kultur prawnych”, serdecznie zapraszam do wzięcia udziału w kolejnym spotkaniu naukowym.

Podczas cyklicznych spotkań, obywających się online, prezentowany jest referat, po którym następuje dyskusja. Wystąpienia dotykają różnorodnych zagadnień związanych z szeroko rozumianym dziedzictwem prawnym.

W poniedziałek 24 października 2022 r. o godz. 17 odbędzie się pierwsze w tym roku akademickim spotkanie naukowe. Tym razem dr Piotr Michalik (Katedra Powszechnej Historii Państwa i Prawa UJ) wygłosi referat pt.

„Prawo spadkowe Wolnego Miasta Krakowa w latach 1815-1833 - próba syntezy”

Spotkanie odbędzie się w formule hybrydowej – w Krakowie przy ul. Gołębiej 9 w Sali 123 oraz na platformie MS TEAMS.

Będę bardzo zobowiązany za poinformowanie osób współpracujących z Państwem o planowanym wydarzeniu.

Chętnie odpowiem na Państwa pytania. Pozostaję z poważaniem,
dr hab. Jan Halberda

Zapraszamy na pierwsze spotkanie z cyklu "Dziedzictwo prawne. Spotkania naukowe" w roku akademickim 2022/2023.

Szanowni Państwo,

W imieniu organizatorów działającego na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego zespołu „Dziedzictwo prawne iróżnorodność kultur prawnych”, serdecznie zapraszam do wzięcia udziału w kolejnym spotkaniu naukowym.

Podczas cyklicznych spotkań, obywających się online, prezentowany jest referat, po którym następuje dyskusja. Wystąpienia dotykają różnorodnych zagadnień związanych z szeroko rozumianym dziedzictwem prawnym.

W poniedziałek 24 października 2022 r. o godz. 17 odbędzie się pierwsze w tym roku akademickim spotkanie naukowe. Tym razem dr Piotr Michalik (Katedra Powszechnej Historii Państwa i Prawa UJ) wygłosi referat pt.

„Prawo spadkowe Wolnego Miasta Krakowa w latach 1815-1833 - próba syntezy”

Spotkanie odbędzie się w formule hybrydowej – w Krakowie przy ul. Gołębiej 9 w Sali 123 oraz na platformie MS TEAMS.

Będę bardzo zobowiązany za poinformowanie osób współpracujących z Państwem o planowanym wydarzeniu.

Chętnie odpowiem na Państwa pytania. Pozostaję z poważaniem,
dr hab. Jan Halberda