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Hector's Collaborators

dr hab. Dagmara Adamska
Affiliation: University of Wroclaw, Faculty of Philosophy and History
Department: Department of Polish and Universal History until the end of the 15th century
Fields of research: history of the middle ages especially on the issues related to research on the settlement landscape, the social and cultural history of medieval Silesia, town – space and people, medieval settlement (with particular emphasis on rural issues)
Most important academic accomplishment:
“Fundacje dewocyjne rycerstwa księstwa świdnicko-jaworskiego w średniowieczu” (title in English: “Devotional foundations of the Duchy of Świdnica and Jawor's knighthood in the Middle Ages”), Wrocław 2005, 410 pages, a textbook in Polish.
„Wieś – miasteczko – miasto. Średniowieczne osadnictwo w dorzeczu górnej i środkowej Oławy” (title in English: „Village – small town – town. Medieval settlement in the upper and central Oława river basin”), Łomianki 2019, 566 pages,  a textbook in Polish. 
Since 2018 in the project Historical-archaeological dictionary of Silesian villages in the Middle Ages. Polkowice and Wołów County (2018–2023, NPRH).
Since 2014 in the Historical Atlas of Polish Cities team (under the auspices of the International Commission for the History of Towns): a project implemented in 2014–2017 (NPRH, Historical Atlas of Polish Cities, vol. 4: Silesia). 
Since 2012 in project Historical-archaeological dictionary of Silesian villages in the Middle Ages. Lubin County (2012–2014, NCN). The result of the works was the publication of the first volume of the Dictionary of Silesian villages in the Middle Ages (2014).

doc. Robert Antonín

Affiliation: University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Department: Department of History

Fields of research: high middle ages in medieval Europe in 12th - 14th century, Czech-Polish relationships in the middle ages, narrative sources of the middle ages,  the political philosophy in the medieval Europe

professor Francisco J. Andrés Santos 

Affiliation: Universidad de Valladolid (Spain), Faculty of Law

Department: Department of Penal Law and Theory and History of Law

Fields of research: Roman Law, byzantine legal history, European legal history, history of political theory


PhD Colette R. Brunschwig

Affiliation: University of Zurich, Switzerland

Department: Law, Legal Visualization Unit

Fields of research: legal theory, legal history, legal pedagogy, legal psychology, legal sociology, legal design

Most important academic accomplishment: 

• Brunschwig, Colette R. Visualisierung von Rechtsnormen: Legal Design, Zurich: Schulthess, 2001 [PhD thesis]

professor Julia Burkhardt
Affiliation: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich), Faculty of History and Arts
Department: Department of History, Medieval History
Fields of research: late medieval history (ca. 1200-1600); Central Europe (Holy Roman Empire, Poland, Bohemia, Hungary); political and dynastic history; gender history; history of monasteries and religious communities; source editions and translations
Most important academic accomplishment: 
Member of the Board of Monumenta Germaniae Historica 
Member of the Scientific Board of the Centre for Medieval Studies KUL Lublin
Corresponding Fellow of the Centre for Medieval Studies Prague
Co-Editor of “Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung“

dr Anna Ceglarska
Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law and Administration
Fields of research: history of legal thought, ancient political thought, political myth, idea of mixed state
Most important academic accomplishment: 
“Polityka i Sprawiedliwość w Grecji przedsokratejskiej” (title in English: “Politics and justice in presocratic Greece”), Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2018, 368 pages, monograph in Polish.

Ph.D. in Law Wouter Druwé (also Juris Canonici Licentiatus, Master of Arts in Society, Law and Religion, Master of Laws, BA Theology and Religious Studies)

Affiliation: KU Leuven, Faculty of Law and Criminology

Department: Research Unit Roman Law and Legal History

Fields of research: history of canon law, early modern ius commune, legal history of the low countries


prof. dr hab. Andrzej Dziadzio
Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law and Administration
Fields of research: history of law and the system of the Habsburg monarchy, Galicia’s political history, the history of European constitutionalism of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the European administrative and constitutional judiciary.
Most important academic accomplishment: 
Research grant entitled: Ownership in the judicial decisions in the Free City of Cracow. From the history of the application of the Napoleonic Code (Code civil). 
Vertragstypenzwang im Code civil? : die Gültigkeit gegenseitiger Verträge in der Judikatur der Freien Stadt Krakau (1815-1846), in: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung, 1/2022, pages 270-283.
Der Code civil in der Rechtsprechung der Freien Stadt Krakau (1815-1846) : zwischen franzoesischer und oesterreichischer Rechtskultur, in: Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs 2/2020, pages 269-277.

professor Tomáš Gábriš

Affiliation: Trnava University in Trnava (Slovak Republic), Faculty of Law 

Department: Department of Legal History

Fields of research: history of law in Slovakia, in Czechoslovakia and in the Hungarian Kingdom, theory of law, legal philosophy


dr hab., prof. UG Michał Gałędek
Affiliation: University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Law and Administration
Department: Department of Legal History
Fields of research: history of polish modern public law, history of polish modern private and criminal law, history of polish lawyers
Most important academic accomplishment: 
Chair of the Department of Legal History.
Head of the Postgraduate Studies Research Methodology in Legal Sciences. 
Vice President of the Polish Society for Legal History.
“National Tradition or Western Pattern? Concepts of the New Administrative System for the Congress Kingdom of Poland”, Brill 2021, 348 pages, monograph in English.
National Science Centre grant: Dispute over the interpretation of the constitution of Kingdom of Poland as a formative element of Polish political liberalism.

professor Piotr Górecki
Affiliation: University of California, Riverside
Department: History
Fields of research: medieval Europe, medieval Poland, law and society in medieval Europe
Most important academic accomplishment: 
“Księga Henrykowska” (title in English: “Henryków Book”), culminating with its translation into English as Local Society in Transition, Toronto 2007.
The Text and the World (and now its use among the sources for a monograph in progress on the history of law in Piast Poland), Oxford 2015, monograph in English. 

dr Kaspar Gubler
Affiliation: Universität Bern
Department: Institute of History
Fields of research: history of universities, history of knowledge and science
Most important academic accomplishment: 
Swiss national science foundation (SNSF) SPARK project on dynamic data ingestion.
Repertorium Academicum (Co-director), secretary of Atelier Heloise (European network on digital academic history).

dr Rachel Guillas

Affiliation: Collège de France (Paris) - Research Associate, Institut d’Histoire du droit Jean Gaudemet (Université Panthéon-Assas) - Member

Department: Chair Droit culture et société de la Rome antique 

Fields of research: legal history, penal and civil procedure, medieval philosophy.



prof. Dr. M.Jur. Phillip Hellwege
Affiliation: University of Augsburg
Department: Faculty of Law
Fields of research: legal history, comparative legal history, history of insurance law
Most important academic accomplishment: 
ERC Consolidator Grant: A Comparative History of Insurance Law in Europe (CHILE; Project Number: 647019).

DSc Prof. Dr. Eszter Cs. Herger
Affiliation: University of Pécs, Faculty of Law
Department: Department for Legal History
Fields of research: European legal history, comparative family law history, European family law
Most important academic accomplishment: 
DSc degree of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2022. 
Head of the Department for Legal History.
Leader of the Dezső Márkus Research Group for Comparative Legal History.

professor Ferenc Hörcher
Affiliation: Research Institute of Politics and Government, József Eötvös Research Centre, University of Public Service
Department: Institute of Philosophy, Research Centre for the Humanities
Fields of research: political philosophy, history of political thought, philosophy of art
Most important academic accomplishment: 
A History of the Hungarian Constitution. Law, Government and Political Culture in Central Europe (2019) – edited with Thomas Lorman.
A Political Philosophy of Conservatism. Prudence, Moderation and Tradition (2020).
The Political Philosophy of the European City. From Polis, through City-State, to Megalopolis? (2021).
Art and Politics in Roger Scruton’s Conservative Philosophy (2023).

professor Sören Koch
Affiliation: University of Bergen
Department: Faculty of Law
Fields of research: legal culture, legal history, comparative law, environmental law
Most important academic accomplishment : 
Head of the Research Group for Legal Culture, Legal History and Comparative Law (UiB), National Reporter of the International Academy of Comparative Law.
Editor and Contributor to Comparing Legal Culture, Fagbokforlag 2020. 
Editor in Chief for the Springer Handbook on Legal Cultures, New York 2023.
Member of the Scientific Board of the Norwegian Society of Comparative Law.
Contributor to Edvard Elgar Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law, 2nd ed. Oxford 2023.

dr Mariusz Krawczyk
Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law and Administration
Fields of research: social sciences, law
Most important academic accomplishment: 
“Podstawy władztwa administracyjnego” (title in English: “Fundamentals of administrative authority”), Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2016, 420 pages, a monograph in Polish.

prof. dr hab. Dorota Malec

Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law and Administration

Department: Department of Administrative History and Law on Religious Denominations

Fields of research: evolution and history of institutions of legal protection and the judiciary in the 19th and 20th century Poland, as well as the administrative judiciary, law codification, political system, and administration in the 19th and 20th century

Most important academic accomplishment: 

• „Dzieje notariatu polskiego” (title in English: “History of the notary in Poland”), Kraków 2007, 349 pages, professorship book.

• Recipient of the Max Planck Institut für europaische Rechtsgeschichte scholarship, Frankfurt am Main (thrice).

prof. dr hab. Andrzej Marzec 

Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of History

Department: Institute of History

Fields of research: late medieval Polish history, auxiliary sciences of history

dr Jakob Maziarz
Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law and Administration
Fields of research: organisation of the judiciary, disciplinary responsibility of judges, participation of the social factor in the justice, archival law, digital humanities, constitutional law of authoritarian states
Most important academic accomplishment: 
“Sądy przysięgłych w II Rzeczypospolitej na podstawie praktyki Sądu Okręgowego w Krakowie (1919-1938)” (title in English: "Jury courts in The Second Polish Republic in practice of Provincial Court in Cracow 1919-1938"), Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2017, 444 pages, a monograph in Polish.

dr Piotr Michalik
Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law and Administration
Fields of research: application of the French law (Napoleonic Code) in 19th and 20th century Poland, English and American constitutional and legal history
Most important academic accomplishment:
"Stosunki polityczno-wyznaniowe w XVII-wiecznym Marylandzie na tle kształtowania się ustroju tej kolonii" (title in English: “Church – State Relations in Seventeenth Century Maryland with regard to the Creation of the Colony Constitution"), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, Warszawa 2012, 278 pages, a monograph in Polish.

professor Ulrike Müßig (also Dr. iur Diploma of Legal Studies (Cantab.))
Affiliation: University of Passau, Faculty of Law
Department: Chair of Civil Law, German and European Legal History
Fields of research: comparative constitutional and court history, European constitutional history from the early beginnings to the contemporary integration
Most important academic accomplishment: 


professor Martin Nodl

Affiliation: Charles University, Institute of Philosophy

Department: Centre for medieval studies

Fields of research: history and theory of historical writing, social history of the late middle ages, late Medieval doctrines and mentalities

dr hab. prof. UW Piotr Pomianowski
Affiliation: University of Warsaw
Department: Faculty of Law and Administration
Fields of research: legal history
Most important academic accomplishment: 

dr Guido Rossi 

Affiliation: University of Edinburgh

Department: School of Law

Fields of research: legal history


prof. Dr. phil. habil. Andreas Rüther
Affiliation: Universität Bielefeld (Germany), Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie
Department: Medieval and Early Modern History
Fields of research: premodern migration history, new cultural history of politics, comparative regional history, studies on courts in the premodern era, church and town in the later middles ages, monasticism and orders since the high middle ages.
Most important academic accomplishment:
Veränderungen aus sich selbst heraus. Zur Eigendynamik vormoderner Gesellschaften. Hrsg. von Franz-Josef Arlinghaus, Jörg Quenzer und Andreas Rüther (Norm und Struktur. Studien zum sozialen Wandel in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit) Köln/Wien (forthcoming).
Region und Identität: Schlesien und das Reich im späten Mittelalter (Neue Forschungen zur Schlesischen Geschichte, Bd. 20), Köln/Weimar/Wien 2010.
Bettelorden in Stadt und Land. Die Straßburger Mendikantenkonvente und das Elsaß im Spätmittelalter (Berliner Historische Studien, Bd. 26; Ordensstudien, Bd. XI), Berlin 1997.

professor Frank Ludwig Schäfer 

Affiliation: Freiburg University

Department: Chair of Institute for Legal History and Comparative Legal History

Fields of research: law of obligations, property law, history of codifications, history of Imperial Bar Association


prof. Dr. iur. habil. Adrian Schmidt-Recla
Affiliation: Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Department: Faculty of Law
Fields of research: German civil law, history of European and German law, medical law, 
Most important academic accomplishment: 
„Das Recht der DDR als Gegenstand der Rechtsgeschichte“, Köln, Wien 2022
“Kalte oder warme Hand. Verfügungen von Todes wegen in mittelalterlichen Referenzrechtsquellen“, Köln, Weimar, Wien, 2011
Science Center „DDR-Recht“ at the Friedrich Schiller-University, Faculty of Law

prof. dr hab. Grażyna Skąpska
Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Philosophy
Department: Institute of Sociology
Fields of research: sociology of law, constitutionalism, legal consciousness, theoretical sociology
Most important academic accomplishment: 
“From Civil Society to  Europe: A Sociological Study on Constitutionalism after Communism” Brill: Leiden-Boston 2011, 253 pages, a monograph in English.

dr Christian Speer
Affiliation: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Department: Department of History
Fields of research: town books 
Most important academic accomplishment: 
DFG longterm research project “Index Librorum Civitatum”.

dr. phil. Paul Srodecki

Affiliation: Europa-Universität Flensburg; University of Southern Denmark

Department: Faculty of Philosophy

Fields of research: identity, alterity and alienity constructions in pre- and early modern Europe; pre- and early modern state building processes; historical deconstruction; crusades and crusading in East-Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe; studies in collective memory

Most important academic accomplishment: 

“War and Remembrance: World War II and the Holocaust in the Memory Politics of Post-Socialist Europe”, ed. Paul Srodecki et al. (Leiden and Paderborn: Brill, 2023).
“Unions and Divisions: New Forms of Rule in Medieval and Renaissance Europe”, ed. Paul Srodecki et al. (London and New York, NY: Routledge, 2023).
„The Expansion of the Faith: Crusading on the Frontiers of Latin Christendom in the High Middle Ages”, ed. Paul Srodecki and Norbert Kersken (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022).
“Antemurale Christianitatis: Zur Genese der Bollwerksrhetorik im östlichen Mitteleuropa an der Schwelle vom Mittelalter zur Frühen Neuzeit“ (Husum: Matthiesen, 2015).

dr hab. prof. UJ Marcin Starzyński

Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Instutute Of History/Institute Of Jewish Studies

Department: Laboratory Of Auxiliary Sciences Of History And Source Studies/Depertment Of Jewish History

Fields of research: socio-economic history of the polish middle ages, including the history of cities and townspeople, history of the church in medieval Poland, auxiliary sciences of history (diplomatics, heraldry, codicology, latin paleography), source editing

Most important academic accomplishment: 

Das mittelalterliche Krakau. Der Stadtrat im Herrschaftsgefüge der polnischen Metropole, Medieval Krakow, (title in English: “The Town Council in the power structure of Polish capital“), Köln-Wien-Weimar 2015, 223 pages, monograph in German.
Miracula beati patris Simonis Lypnycensis [1482–1520], (title in English: “Miracles of Saint Father Simon of Lipnica [1482-1520]"), Kraków 2019, 111 pages, book - editons of sources in Latin [z Anną Zajchowską-Bołtormiuk].
The Correspondence of John of Capistrano. Letters Related to the History of Poland and Silesia (1451–1456), Warsaw-Lublin 2018, 325 pages, book - editons of sources in English [z Pawłem Krasem, Haliną Manikowską i Anną Zajchowską-Bołtormiuk].
Mobilia. Inventare des beweglichen Vermögens der Krakauer Bürger bis zum Ausgang des 15. Jahrhunderts, (title in English: “Mobilia : inventories of movable property of Krakow's burghers until the end of the 15th century”) Kraków 2017, 155 pages, book - editons of sources in Latin.


mag. Dr. LL.M.Kamila Staudigl-Ciechowicz
Affiliation: University of Vienna / University of Regensburg
Department: Department for Legal and Constitutional History, University of Vienna 
Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Deutsche und Europäische Rechtsgeschichte und Kirchenrecht, University of Regensburg
Fields of research: European private law history (especially 19th and 20th century), history of Austrian penal law and civil procedure in the 19th and 20th century, European constitutional history in the 20th century (especially 1918–1939), history of public services law and disciplinary law at universities, history of jurisprudence, history of universities, especially anti-Semitism at universities and research on academical networks, legal history of women
Most important academic accomplishment:
2018 Doc.Award for the doctoral thesis (awarded by the Rector for outstanding dissertations).
2020 Marie Jahoda Grant of the Univ. of Vienna since 2022 Research Fellow at the Faculty of Law at the University of Regensburg (Team Löhnig).

Ph.D. Stsiapan Stureika
Affiliation: European Humanities University (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Department: Academic Department of Humanities and Sciences
Fields of research: the theory of cultural heritage, community-based conservation projects, new museology, theory of nationalism, and integration of migrants.
Most important academic accomplishment: 
Since 2010 had conducted several research projects on social aspects of heritage preservation, transformation of Cultural Landscapes of Belarusian Towns, urban movements for heritage preservation in Eastern Europe. 
In 2015 has won a Thesaurus Poloniae fellowship of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland (implemented by the International Cultural Centre in Krakow). In 2016-2017 prepared a Report on Developing Cultural Heritage Sector in Belarus for EU program Culture&Creativity. 

dr hab., prof. UMK Anna Tarnowska
Affiliation: Nicolaus Copernicus University
Department: Department of History of Legal and Political Thought and German Law
Fields of research: legal history, history of constitutionalism
Most important academic accomplishment: 
participation in the international research group "ReConFort", the first historical-legal project funded by the European Research Council.

dr Liliana Tymchenko 
Affiliation: European Humanities University (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Department: Social Sciences
Fields of research: indigenous people; culture, cultural heritage and human rights protection; recognition of states; qualification of state terrorism; academic freedom
Most important academic accomplishment:
Tymchenko L. (title in English: The concept of international world order and its impact on the formation of the institute of state recognition, International law in a world of dynamic change: contours of the future international law / Scientific edition). V. Repetsky, I. Zeman, V. Gutnik. Lviv, 2021. 420. pages 60 – 74 (original language: Ukrainian).
Tymchenko L.( title in English: The Concept of “Indigenous People” in Modern International Law (on the Example of Caraites), European Political and Law Discourse, Vol. 3, Issue 6, 2016, pages 7 – 16, (original language Ukrainian).
Tymchenko L. (title in English: The Concept of "People": Search of Doctrinal Solutions),  Ukrainian Journal of International Law. – Kyiv, №2, 2016, pages 16 – 22, (original language: Russian).

Ph.D. habil. Norbert Varga
Affiliation: University of Szeged, Faulty of Law
Department: Department of Hungarian Legal History
Fields of research: legal history (history of administration law in the 19th century; history of citizenship law, cartel law in the interwar period)
Most important academic accomplishment: 
2022 - MTA Bolyai Memorial Award.
2021 -  Master Teacher Gold Medal.
2021-2025 - OTKA (Országos Tudományos Kutatási Alapprogramok = Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) Development of private law between the two world wars, project leader international cooperation partner: Jagellonian University, Cracow.

dr Bohdan Widła
Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law and Administration
Fields of research: copyright and related rights, with particular focus on the protection of scientific and critical editions and the protection of computer programs
Most important academic accomplishment: 
“Naukowe i krytyczne wydania tekstów jako przedmiot prawa autorskiego i praw pokrewnych” (title in English: “Scientific and critical editions of texts as objects of copyright and related rights”), Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2020, 409 pages, a monograph in Polish.

dr Karolina Wyrwińska
Affiliation: Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Law and Administration
Department: Chair of Roman Law
Fields of research: Roman private law, Roman public law, civil law (especially contract law), new institutional economics, economic history
Most important academic accomplishment: 
„Civis Romanus sum. Rzymskie prawo publiczne. Wybrane zagadnienia”, (title in English: “Civis Romanus sum: Roman Public Law: selected issues”), Kraków 2015, 194 pages, a textbook in Polish.
“Kontrakty aleatoryjne w prawie rzymskim a współczesne towarowe instrumenty finansowe” (title in English: “Aleatory contracts in Roman law versus modern commodities contracts”), Kraków 2010, 230 pages, PhD thesis in Polish.